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Celebrate Homecoming plus Family & Friends Weekend


September 23-29, 2024


Activities and Schedule of Events

Additional activities will be added to the schedule throughout the summer

2024 Spirit Week


Calling all current UNC Bears students! Show your school spirit and participate in community, residence life, and student life activities throughout the week. 

Great FOr: Students

Alumni Campus Employee Breakfast

Monday, September 23

The UNC Alumni Association wants to thank and recognize the alumni who support students every day as members of the UNC faculty and staff. Kick off homecoming week together for a complimentary homecoming breakfast.

Register to Attend

Great for: Alumni, Faculty and Staff

Build for Bear Pantry

Monday, September 23

Come and participate with your group or organization in the annual Build for Bear Pantry. Sign up with your student organization, group of friends, office, or your team and let us get creative. This starts at 11:30 a.m. in the McKee Breezeway!


UPC Movie Night

Monday, September 23

Join fellow students at the Kress Cinema & Lounge for a free movie, food, and a chance to win some UNC swag! Movie times will be announced the week of the event. Hosted by UPC.

Great for: Students

Petting Zoo

Monday, September 23

Hosted by UPC and Panhellenic philanthropy, visit the Petting Zoo at the North Oval from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Great For: Alumni Students, Family and Friends, Faculty and Staff

Candy Crush

Tuesday, September 24

Relieve mid-semester stress by breaking things with UPC at Garden Theater on central campus from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Great For: Students, Faculty and Staff

Tailgate at the Rec

Wednesday, September 25

Enjoy a fun, free tailgate event with food and activities at the Campus Recreation Center from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Great For: Students, Faculty and Staff

Student vs. Staff/Faculty Football Game

Wednesday, September 25

Enjoy an 8-man intramural football competition of students vs. faculty and staff. Starts at 7:30 p.m. at the West Turf Field behind the Rec Center.

Great For: Students, Faculty and Staff

Bear Sync

Thursday, September 26

Enjoy the campus favorite and longstanding Homecoming tradition of Bear Sync in the Campus Commons Performance Hall, the show starts at 7:30 p.m.

GREAT For: Students, Family and Friends, Faculty and Staff

Blue and Gold Friday

Friday, September 27

Show your UNC spirit when you wear your best Bear Gear or Blue and Gold on Friday.

Great for: Alumni, Students, FAmily and Friends, Faculty and Staff

Bears Harvest Market

Friday, September 27

Explore a variety of local produce, food stalls, and other goods from 12-2 p.m. on the West Patio at the University Center. 

Great for: Students, FAMILY AND FRIENDS, Faculty and StaFf

Party at the Patio

Friday, September 27

Enjoy fireworks, s'mores and a pep rally starting at 7 p.m. at the University Center West Patio near the firepit. 

Great for: Alumni, Students, FAmily and Friends, Faculty and Staff

Silent Disco

Friday, September 27

Quietly dance the night away at the Silent Disco! 8-11 p.m. at Campus Commons. 

GREAT For: Students

Class of 1974 Reunion

Friday, September 27 - Saturday, September 28

The UNC Alumni Association welcomes back the Class of 1974 for the 50th Class Year Reunion.

Register to Attend

Great for: Alumni

1969 Football Reunion: 45th Anniversary

Friday, September 27 - Saturday, September 28

Players from the 1969 RMAC Championship Football team are invited back to campus to celebrate the 45th anniversary. Details available through football alumnus Joe Drew.


Homecoming 5K

Saturday, September 28

Kickstart a full and fun weekend with Campus Rec's annual Homecoming 5K starting at 8:00 a.m. at the Campus Recreation Center. Registration will open soon.


Great for: Alumni, Students, FAmily and Friends, Faculty and Staff

College of Osteopathic Medicine Groundbreaking

Saturday, September 28

Join campus and community leadership in the celebratory groundbreaking ceremony for UNC's future College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Register to attend

Great for: Alumni, Students, Family and Friends, Faculty and STaff

Homecoming Tailgate

Saturday, September 28

Alumni and friends are invited to celebrate UNC's annual Homecoming tailgate north of Nottingham Field. Guests are invited to enjoy complimentary drinks, snacks, games and give-aways.

Great for: Alumni, Students, Family and Friends, Faculty and STaff

UNC Football vs. Cal Poly

Saturday, September 28

Cheer on UNC Football as they host Cal Poly at 1:00 p.m. at Nottingham Field. Game and season tickets on sale through the UNC Ticket Office.

Great for: Alumni, Students, FAmily and Friends, Faculty and STaff

UNC Women's Volleyball vs. Idaho State

Saturday, September 28

Show your support for UNC Women's Volleyball as they take on Idaho State at 6:00 p.m. at the Bank of Colorado Arena. Game and season tickets on sale through the UNC Ticket Office.

Great for: Alumni, Students, FAmily and Friends, Faculty and STaff

50th Class Year Golden Graduates

Welcome Home Class of 1974

Congratulations to the Class of 1974 for reaching their 50th Class Year Anniversary. We are excited to welcome you Home to UNC this coming fall.

If you are a member of the Class of 1974 and have an interest in helping with the reunion, please reach out to the Alumni Association staff at alumni@xiaoneizhi.com.

1974 Reunion Registration

Where to Stay and More to Do

Greeley offers several lodging and dining options for alumni, families and friends visiting for Homecoming and Family Weekend. And beyond events on campus, you can look forward to community activities occurring during the weekend celebration.

Stay and Dine

Check out UNC's Bear Biz partners recommendations on where to eat, stay and shop.

Learn more

Performing Arts

Take in the cultural and talent of UNC's College of Performing and Visual Arts.

Learn more

Greeley Scavenger Hunt

Get to know what's new in Greeley through the self directed scavenger hunt.

Learn more

Show Your Sprit

Show up to UNC's Homecoming and Family and Friends Weekend in style! Get your new Bear Gear through the UNC Bookstore.

Online Bookstore